Congratulations you’re


You may be feeling excited, or a little nervous. Whichever it is, you're in the right place!

Let me help you to move safely while preparing mentally and physically for labour!

In addition, my unique pregnancy yoga classes will teach you tools and techniques to use during labour and allow you to meet and chat with other mums-to-be.

Preparing your body and mind begins now!

Maybe you’re experiencing some pregnancy aches and niggles?

It’s not uncommon to have lower back ache, hip discomfort (PGP), sciatica or carpal tunnel syndrome.

The good news? Pregnancy yoga can help alleviate all of these as well as promote relaxation and better sleep.

A blend of:

  • Gentle movement to help relieve common pregnancy aches and niggles

  • Movements and positions to use during labour

  • Breathing techniques which are ideal for labour

  • Relaxation

  • Time to chat and meet others

The benefits of joining my classes:

  • You are interested in learning how to encourage a baby into a great position in the womb ready for birth

  • Want to stay strong and mobile throughout pregnancy and prepare for active labour

  • Explore and practise active birth positions

  • Learn a little science to understand how and why these positions work

  • Have felt or are feeling anxious or worried

  • Would like to meet, connect with and share the highs and lows of this journey with other mums-to-be 

  • Are looking for small, friendly classes that are tailored to your unique needs

Bump & Beyond

Staying active during pregnancy not only helps you to physically prepare for labour.

Attending regular classes can help to make your labour easier and more straightforward, as well as helping you bond with your bump.

Using my expertise in birth biomechanics, I include active labour poses during classes.

This helps you to build muscle memory so you are more likely to use these and feel comfortable during labour.

There is also time before and after class to chat over tea and biscuits.

My classes are much more than just yoga.

Come and move while learning tools and techniques to help support you during labour and chat with other mums-to-be who are experiencing the same things as you.



  • Absolutely not! Pregnancy and postnatally are great times to start yoga or to try yoga again.These classes tend to be a little slower than a general class and give you time to feel into each of the poses.

    If you have done yoga before, you are very welcome to come but please expect the classes to be a little different to what you are used to. Our pregnant and postnatal bodies appreciate a slower practice that helps us to converve our energy during these changing times. It can sometimes take a while to accept this, especially if you have had a very strong practice.

  • Yes! Yoga is about much more than trying to contort your body into a certain shape (unlike Instagram would have us believe!) Everyone is different and if your pose looks different to everyone elses, that doesn't matter. Just follow my cues, feel into your body and have fun!

    Along with the physical poses, I also include breathing, mindfulness and relaxation into my classes. Plus there is time to chat and get to know the other members of the class.

  • Yes. Pregnancy and postnatal yoga are both gentle and I have had specialist training in helping to support women with PGP and sciatica. I will offer you variations during the classes which might be better and less aggravating for sore hips/PGP. We will also include movements thay can help to bring relief to these common conditions.

  • You are very welcome to start from 12 weeks, following your 12 week scan and with clearance from your GP or midwife. I’m happy for you to continue for as long as you feel able to (up until your due date and beyond). The earlier you start, the more benefits you will find.

  • I provide all of the equipment you need, including a yoga mat. However, please bring along a bottle of water. You may also wish to have a pair of warm socks and a jumper to help you feel warm and cosy for the relaxation at the end.

  • Anything you feel comfortable in and can move about easily in. A pair of leggings and a t-shirt are ideal.

  • I love birth balls! They are fantastic to use throughout pregnancy, during labour and postnatally but please make sure you choose the right size ball, see below for more information.

    If you are:

    4’8” to 5’3” choose a 55cm ball

    4’4” to 5’10” choose a 65cm ball

    5’11” and taller - choose a 75cm ball

    If you are looking to buy one, I can personally recommend BabyGo balls. They make high quality balls. You can find out more about their balls:


    (Please note that this is an affiliate link and I will receive a small monetary bonus should you buy something)