Postnatal…Mum & Baby Yoga
If you’re a mum who’d like to start stretching and exercising again but is unsure where to start. You’re in the right place.
Postnatal and mum + baby yoga are aimed at moving, stretching and strengthening while conserving as much energy as possible.
Mum + baby yoga is the perfect first class for you. Allowing you time to focus on yourself, while having fun with your little one. Like baby massage, it’s baby-led and is a very supportive class where everyone is experiencing the same challenges.
Once your baby becomes a little less dependent on you, then postnatal yoga is the perfect next step for dedicated time for you to refill your cup.
Both classes are perfect for safely restoring your core and pelvic floor strength before returning to other forms of exercise.

Mum + Baby Yoga
£50 for a block of 4 classes of £13.50 for a single class
Postnatal Yoga
£75 for a block of 6 classes of £13.50 for a single class
These classes are for you if….
✔ You are looking for a calm and gentle return to movement
✔ You would like to rebuild your core and pelvic floor gently and safely
✔ You are interested in learning how your body has changed as a result of pregnancy and the best ways to support it
✔ You are looking for someone who can support your c-section recovery
✔ You would like to meet and chat to other new mums
These classes probably aren't for you if:
✔ You are looking for a strong return to exercise and to tone up quickly
✔ You are looking for a strong yoga practice
Classes are suitable from 10 weeks postnatal (or 12 weeks if you had a caesarean birth) following your GP check-up and their approval.
I provide all of the equipment you need, including a yoga mat. However, please bring along a bottle of water. You may also wish to have a pair of warm socks and a jumper to help you feel warm and cosy for the relaxation at the end.
Mum + Baby yoga - in addition to the above, please bring a blanket for your baby to lie on and a rattle, shaker or similar sensory toy to use during class.
Anything you feel comfortable and can move about easily in. A pair of leggings and a t-shirt are ideal.
Mum + baby yoga is totally baby led, meaning we attend to the needs of our babies first. If your baby needs feeding or changing, please go ahead. If they are asleep, we let them sleep.
If your baby is crying, that’s okay too, all babies are welcome in class, regardless of how they are feeling!
The aim is to try and squeeze in as much yoga as you can, whilst having fun with your baby. Some weeks that might be quite a lot and on other weeks not so much.

I am a true believer in self-care and the belief that “you can’t pour from an empty cup”.