Nourish and support your postnatal body

Are you ready to give your postnatal body some TLC?

You’d like to start exercising again but you’re unsure what will help and what should be avoided?

Join me to start dedicating some time to support your mental and physical wellbeing.

“After having Zara, I was keen to return to yoga. I occasionally managed to squeeze in a short sequence while she was asleep, however these opportunities were rare and frequently interrupted.

I would get frustrated when my yoga time was interrupted (not very yogic, I know!) Something had to change.

Setting aside an hour a week for my partner to spend quality time with our daughter while I practised was the best gift I gave myself in early motherhood. It enabled me to reconnect with my body as well as refresh my mind. I began to feel more myself, have more patience and enjoy my time with Zara even more.

It sometimes felt indulgent to give myself this time, but I am a true believer in self care and the belief that “you can’t pour from an empty cup.”

I recognise that it might not be possible or desirable to leave your baby, especially in those early weeks and months, and even when it is it can be hard to carve out space for regular practice.

This is why I offer two classes: Just for Mums and Bring Your Baby Yoga.

- Jess Evans (founder)

  • Mum + Baby Postnatal Yoga

    For when you need time to stretch but still need to be available to attend to your baby’s needs. This class is for you to practise yoga with your baby present, with a little baby yoga included too.

    The class is friendly and informal and your baby’s needs (feeding, changing, sleeping etc) always come first. The aim is to do as mu h yoga as you can whilst having fun with your baby!

    Suitable for precrawling babies.

    Not suitable for crawling babies or older siblings

  • Gentle yoga and mindfulness in Old Malton

    Just For Mums Yoga

    Ready to set aside an hour to focus on your mental and physical recovery without distraction? This class is for you!

    A gentle yoga flow followed by a lovely guided relaxation. Guaranteed to leave you feeling replenished.

    Suitable for Mothers who have a childcare option for their baby.

    Not suitable for babies, toddlers or children

During your class …

  • Reconnect with your postnatal body through gentle yoga flows designed to:

    • promote healing and recovery following pregnancy and birth (both vaginal and cesarian)

    • strengthen your back, abdominal and pelvic floor muscles

    • stretch and release tension in your back, shoulders and neck

    • bring awareness to and improve your posture (which in turn helps with pelvic floor function)

    • decrease stress and promote rest and relaxation

  • Learn how to assess your core strength and adapt exercises, giving you peace of mind

  • Meet and chat to other local mums

Return to yoga & exercise safely following the birth of your baby

“Jess explained how our bodies are affected by pregnancy & the sessions helped improve my core and pelvic floor strength. “

— Lucy Hughes

“Jess’ classes were gentle and informative, and a very relaxing way to spend an hour away from your baby.”

— Sarah

“The sessions were accessible, gentle and fun; a great way to start getting back into a body self care routine after having my little boy.

— Charlotte