Baby Massage

Precious moments with your little one…

Motherhood is a rollercoaster of excitement, however, you may be feeling a little lost and lonely.

Baby massage is a supportive and nurturing first class where it doesn’t matter if your baby cries, needs feeding or changing. 

But more than that, it’s a supportive place where you can meet and chat to other new mums who truly get the highs and lows.

Enjoy some beautiful 1:1 bonding time with your baby, while learning skills to help alleviate tummy troubles, and the discomfort from teething and colic.

5 Week Course £66.00*

6 Week Course £79.50*

*If you’d prefer to split the cost over two payments, please contact me.

Everything you need is provided, including:

  • A bottle of organic massage oil, 

  • A colour-printed massage guide,

  • Access to an online video library as a refresher after each class, 

  • A short mindfulness activity each week

  • A personalised keepsake certificate when you finish the course.

Upcoming courses

St Mary’s Priory, Old Malton:

  • APRIL COURSE - 5 week courses starts Tuesday 22nd April 2025 (10:00am - 11.15am) in Old Malton 2 SPACES LEFT

  • JUNE COURSE - 6 week course starts Tuesday 3rd June 2025 (10:00am - 11.15am) in Old Malton SPACES

    (My courses fill quickly and early booking is recommended).

Learn with other mums

Baby massage is a fantastic way to enjoy some beautiful 1:1 bonding time with your baby, while learning skills to help alleviate tummy troubles, and the discomfort from teething and colic. 

We start each session focusing on massage. Each week is dedicated to a particular area of your baby's body, building up to a full massage in the final week.

The massage combines both Indian and Swedish massage traditions, as well as elements from yoga and reflexology. 

After the massage there’s time for your baby to explore and for you to chat. Maintaining the tranquil atmosphere, the babies (who aren’t asleep!) have the opportunity to explore developmentally appropriate toys and resources. 

These are carefully selected, high quality and baby-safe toys. Most are made from natural resources or they are in calming colours. I love Little Dutch and Pebble Child toys so you will see lots of those, along with black and white play and water mats, baby safe ribbon rings, natural feathers, books etc. 

While your baby is busy, you will have the chance to enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit while chatting to the other mums.

I also offer private classes..

Made friends through NCT? Or know a group of mums who would all like to learn baby massage together?

Why not learn from the comfort of your own home, at a time to suit you?

Please contact me for a chat.



  • I wrote a blog post about the benefits READ HERE

  • Baby massage is recommended for babies from 6 weeks old until they are actively crawling.

    If your baby is younger than 6 weeks and you would like to join, please send me a message.

    Once they are showing an interest in moving it becomes a bit of a challenge to keep them still for long enough to have a massage!

  • Baby massage is totally baby led, meaning we attend to the needs of our babies first. If your baby needs feeding or changing, please go ahead. If they are asleep, we let them sleep. There are some spare demonstration dolls you can use so you can still practise.

    If your baby is crying, that’s okay too, all babies are welcome in class regardless of how they are feeling!

  • It is unlikely that your baby will participate in every class, every week. The classes are for you to learn the massage techniques to practise at home. I have created a complete online video course so if there is a week when you miss parts of what we did, or if you can’t come, then you will have the videos to watch as a recap.

    I repeat all of the massage strokes week-to-week and make sure you feel confident with them. I’m also around during the social time to answer any questions or to recap anything with you.

  • It’s important for your baby to be warm, so we try to keep as many of their clothes on as possible. Each week I will send out a whatsapp before class letting you know which areas of the body we will be massaging and a suggestion for what they should wear. But as a general rule, separate tops and bottoms (so tights/leggings/trousers with a t-shirt/jumper) work well. That way we can just undress either their top or bottom half.

  • Nothing special. Just your usual nappy changing bag with a spare set of clothes. If you forget this, don’t panic, there are always spare nappies and wipes in class.

    It can be useful to have a blanket with you, to help keep your baby warm.

    If you would like to enjoy a hot drink during class, please bring a lidded travel mug (for safety).

    You will be sitting on the floor for baby massage, so please wear something comfy.